Mount Batur Sunrise Trekking

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Witness the Majestic Sunrise from Mount Batur with our Sunrise Trekking Adventure!

Prepare to be awe-inspired as you embark on a thrilling pre-dawn journey to the summit of Mount Batur, one of Bali's most iconic volcanoes. Starting at 2 am from the picturesque village of Toya Bungkah, our Sunrise Trekking tour promises an exhilarating ascent to witness the breathtaking sunrise over the enchanting landscapes of Bali.

Tour Type

Trip Duration

Minimum Order

Hotel Transfer


Tour Itinerary

Early Morning Departure

Your adventure begins in the quiet and serene village of Toya Bungkah in the wee hours of the morning. As you set out in the darkness, the twinkling stars above create a magical atmosphere.

Guided Hike

Our experienced guides will lead you on a guided hike up Mount Batur, ensuring your safety and offering valuable insights into the volcano's history, geology, and the surrounding landscapes.

Starry Night Sky

As you ascend, you'll witness the gradual transition from the pitch-black night sky to the stunning display of stars overhead. The clear mountain air provides an ideal canvas for stargazing.

Sunrise Spectacle

Arriving at the summit just in time for daybreak, you'll be treated to a breathtaking sunrise that paints the sky in vivid hues of orange and pink. The sight of the sun emerging from behind Mount Agung and casting its glow over Lake Batur is nothing short of magical.

Panoramic Views

From the summit, you'll enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding caldera, Lake Batur, and the lush landscapes of Bali below. It's an opportunity to capture the perfect postcard-worthy photo.

Breakfast at the Summit

Savor a simple yet satisfying breakfast of volcanic steam-cooked eggs and banana sandwiches, prepared by your guide using the natural heat of the volcano.


After witnessing the sunrise spectacle and exploring the summit, descend the volcano and return to Toya Bungkah, where your journey concludes.

Contact us for price

Detail Info

Location : The trek begins in Toya Bungkah, which is located on the shores of Lake Batur in Bali's Kintamani region.

Duration : The trek typically takes around 2-2.5 hours to reach the summit, depending on your pace and weather conditions.

What to Bring :

  • Warm clothing for the early morning chill
  • Sturdy hiking shoes or trekking boots
  • Headlamp or flashlight
  • Camera or smartphone for capturing the sunrise
  • Drinking water to stay hydrated during the hike

Important Notes :

  • The trek to the summit of Mount Batur involves moderate physical exertion. It is suitable for individuals with a reasonable level of fitness, but it is not recommended for those with serious health conditions.
  • Weather conditions can change rapidly on the volcano, so it's important to dress appropriately and be prepared for varying temperatures.

Booking Information :

Ready to witness the magic of a sunrise from Mount Batur? Contact us today to book your Mount Batur Sunrise Trekking adventure! Our team will provide you with information about tour schedules, meeting points, and any additional experiences you can enjoy in the Kintamani region. Don't miss the chance to experience the beauty of Bali's sunrise from the summit of an active volcano!

Disclaimer : Sunrise trekking experiences may vary in terms of routes, duration, and specific details. Contact us for the most up-to-date information and to customize your sunrise trek to your preferences.

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